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1902 Westwood Blvd. Suite 203, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Bloodborne Pathogens

The American Red Cross Bloodborne Pathogens class teaches how bloodborne pathogens are spread; how to avoid exposure and what to do if exposed to infectious material. This class helps to meet requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. After taking this class, students should talk with their employer about their workplaceÕs specific policies and procedures.

Class Content:

  • Define bloodborne pathogens
  • Identify the bloodborne pathogens of primary concern
  • List the ways bloodborne pathogens can enter a person's body
  • Describe the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand washing in reducing the risk of bloodborne pathogens transmission
  • Identify work practices that help eliminate or reduce the risk of exposure
  • Learn how to remove disposable gloves properly
  • List procedures to follow if exposure occurs
Class Time: 1 hour

Certificate: 1 year

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